Estimating walltime to execute "" with given configurations for application: Calculating Euler's number

This code is from ""

To demonstrate the usage of HARP with Cheetah, we will look at a simple Python3 script that calculates Euler's number (e) using two different methods. It takes three positional arguments: the first is a string describing which of the methods to use, the second is a parameter to the calculation method that describes how many iterations or how precise to try to make the calculation (meaning depends on the method), and the third is a precision to use with the standard library Decimal module in python. If the third argument is not specified, built-in floating point is used instead.

The application

The source code is contained in a single source file: There are no dependencies other than python3.

How to use HARP to estimate the walltime for the program

The current folder '01-eulers_number' is called target application folder.

  1. Navigate to the target application folder and copy the all the files from /Post_Execution_Scripts/basic into the the current folder. For more details about the type of application categories and profiling, please read the document or PPT .
  2. Edit the paths in "" to point to this folder (the target application folder).
  3. Edit the following files before applying the HARP framework to the application
  4. If running the pipeline on OSC, set the OSC project account in the campaign files "". Ignore otherwise. class GrayScott(Campaign): ... scheduler_options = {'owens_gpu': {'project':'<OSC-Project-Account>'}} ...
  5. Adjust the paths for the cheetah_app_directory and ((cheetah_campaign_file** keys in pipeline_config.json file to pointto the current directory.

  6. Run the following commands to set/check the environment to run HARP framework

  7. To load the module and set the environment on OSC (either in the command line mode or in the sbatch script) bash module use $HOME/osc_apps/lmodfiles module load harp export CONDA_HOME=<path-to-conda-install>/miniconda3 source $CONDA_HOME/bin/activate source activate harp_env
  8. For running harp on Standalone Linux System Ensure that HARP_HOME environment variable is set to the HARP install directory and the Cheetah and HARP binaries are in PATH bash echo $HARP_HOME echo $PATH
  9. Run the following commands to execute the framework from the target application folder
  cd <path-to-01-eulers_number-
  chmod 755 *
  harp pipeline_config.json

Before executing the harp, make sure to modify the absolute-paths in 'pipeline_config.json' file to the target application folder i.e., this example folder.

  1. The framework performs the following operations
  2. Generates training data with three different configurations (scaled-down, full-scale, and test-data), copies it to the pipeline/applications//train folder for further processing
  3. It pre-processes the data and transforms the training data using principal component analysis, upsamples full-scale executions to match scaled-down training samples, and trains and stores the regression models with different configurations
  4. The regression model with better predictions (lower no. of under-predictions and lower MAPE of over-estimations) suitable for Euler training data is selected and is used to predict the walltime estimations for the test-data configurations. The results of the framework are stored in predictions.csv in the target application folder.