Building and Running the Integration Test

The integration test described here simply injects images into an instance of the camera-traps application configured for testing with internal plugins (only one process is started). The application runs in a docker container whereas the integration test is invoked by cargo. To allow the test to communicate with the application, the latter runs on the host network rather than a private docker network. Though unlikely, failures are possible if the configured ports are already in use.

The integration test executable must exist in order for cargo to invoke it. This typically requires a Rust development environment to run and, if necessary, build the test program.


The integration test requires the camera-traps application to be running before it is manually invoked. All commands should be issued from the directory in which this file resides.

To run an instance of camera-traps configured for the integration test, issue this command in a command-line terminal:

docker-compose up

To run the integration test, issue:


To shutdown the camera-traps application, issue:

docker-compose down


When started in a terminal, the application will log to standard output an indication that these four internal plugins have been loaded:

  • image_recv_plugin
  • image_score_plugin
  • image_store_plugin
  • observer_plugin

The application will also indicate that an external plugin port was opened:

  • ext_image_gen_test_plugin

Other informational records are also written when the application starts. When executes, it will read the traps-integration.toml file to configure itself. That file includes the following information.

  • The number of total number of times an image is injected into camera-traps (iterations).
  • The directory where at least one image file can be found (image_input_dir).
  • The external plugin configuration (external_plugin_config).

Test execution will cause four events to be logged by the observer plugin for each image received. These events are:

  • NewImageEvent
  • ImageReceivedEvent
  • ImageScoredEvent
  • ImageStoredEvent

The level of logging detail can be controlled by modifying the log4rs.yml file in this directory.