Camera Traps Custom Installer

This directory contains the camera traps installer program to simplify the process of creating custom installations of the Camera Traps software based on a configuration file.

Basic Usage

To use the installer, execute the script within this directory, passing two positional arguments:

  • Host directory: Absolute path on the host where the installer will look for input files and install Camera Traps.
  • Input YAML file: path relative to Host directory where an input YAML file containing the configurations for the installation. This input is optional, the default value is install_config.yml

Example invocation:

 $ ./ /home/jstubbs/tmp/ct-installer my-input.yml

In the example above, the installer will look for a file called my-input.yml with absolute path /home/jstubbs/tmp/ct-installer/my-input.yml with the configurations for the installation.

Example contents of my-input.yml

install_dir: test
use_gpu_in_scoring: true

The values in my-input.yml override defaults provided by the installer. In the example above, the following will happen:

  1. Camera Traps installer will install the main docker-compose.yml file and all necessary directories and additional files within the test directory of /home/jstubbs/tmp/ct-installer.
  2. The image scoring plugin will be configured to use GPUs on the host machine.
  3. All other default configurations will be used.

See the following sections for details about the configurations available and defaults used.

Required Configuration

The Input YAML file must provide values for the following fields:

  • install_dir: Relative path on the host (relative to Host directory) where the Camera Traps files will be installed.

Example: test

Important Optional Configurations

  • ct_version: The release version (i.e., image tag) for the camera traps software container images.

  • Example: 0.3.3

  • run_containers_as_user: Whether to run all containers as the user's (i.e., the installer's) UID and GID. (Default: true)

  • Example: false

  • use_gpu_in_scoring: Whether to use GPUs with the Image Scoring pluging. Note that the NVIDIA drivers must be installed, the NVIDIA container toolkit installed, and Docker must be configured to use it. See the main README for details on hardware requirements. (Default: false)

  • Example: true

  • image_store_save_threshold: The minimum confidence threshold for storing an image in full format.

  • Example: 0.7

  • image_store_reduce_save_threshold: The minimum confidence threshold for storing an image in reduces/compressed format.

  • Example: 0.4

  • device_id: The id of the device where the camera traps code will be installed. For example, this could be the id of a ChameleonCloud node or a TACC IoT device. By default, the string AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is assigned for cases where the device id will not be needed.

Source Images

One can control the source of images used for the simulation in various ways. By default, the installer users a pre-bundled set of example image. See below:

  • use_bundled_example_images: Whether to use a set of bundled example images as the source of the input image. When true, the use_image_directory and use_image_url settings are ignored. (Default: true)

  • use_image_directory: Whether to use a directory on the host as the source of the input images. If set to true, the source_image_dir variable must also be set. If set to false, a URL to a tar.gz file of images must be provided by setting use_image_url and source_image_url. (Default: false)

  • source_image_dir: Host directory containing example
    images to be used for the simulation. Only used if use_image_directory is set to true;

  • Example: example_images

  • use_image_url: Whether to use a URL to a tar.gz file of images as the source of the input images. If set to true, the source_image_url variable must also be set.

  • Example: true

  • source_image_url: URL to a tar.gz file of images to use as the input images.

  • Example:

  • use_custom_ground_truth_file_url: Whether to use a custom ground truth file with the dataset. This only needs to be set when using a non-standard dataset. Default is false. When setting to true, must also set the custom_ground_truth_file_url variable.

  • custom_ground_truth_file_url: URL to a custom ground truth file to download. This variable is only used if use_custom_ground_truth_file_url is set to true.

Specifying the Model

  • use_custom_model_type: Use one of the pre-defined model types. When true, must also specify model_type. (Default: false).

  • Example: true

  • model_type: Specify the custom model type to use. Currently supported values are: 1, 2, 3. This is a work in progress, more details coming.

  • use_model_url: Use a URL to a compatible ML model .pt file. Will be downloaded at the start of the scoring plugin execution. If true, must also specify model_url.

  • Example: false

  • model_url (currently not supported): The URL to a model to download. Only used if use_model_url is true.

  • Example: N/A

Integrating with CKN

  • deploy_ckn: Whether to deploy the CKN capture daemon; required for integration with CKN. Default is false.

  • Example: true

  • ckn_kafka_broker_address: The remote address of the CKN Kafka broker.

  • Example:

  • ckn_kafka_broker_port: The remote port of the CKN Kafka broker.

  • Example: 9092

  • experiment_id: An id to associate all measurements from this execution with. For example, a Tapis Job id. By default, this variable is set to none.

  • user_id: The user id of the owner of the experiment. By default, this variable is set to none.

All Configurations

This is a complete list of all possible configurations.

  • install_dir: Relative path on the host (relative to Host directory) where the Camera Traps files will be installed. ** Note ** all config paths are relative to this directory.

Example: test

  • ct_version: The release version (i.e., image tag) for the camera traps software container images

  • Example: 0.3.3

  • host_config_dir: Path on the host where configuration directory resides.

  • Example: ./config

  • use_host_pid: Whether to start all plugin containers in the host PID namespace.

  • Example: true

  • run_containers_as_user: Whether to run all containers as the user's (i.e., the installer's) UID and GID

  • Example: true

  • image_generating_monitor_power: Whether to monitor the power usage of the image generating plugin. Default: true

  • Example: false

  • use_bundled_example_images: Whether to use a set of bundled example images as the source of the input image. When true, the use_image_directory and use_image_url settings are ignored.

  • use_image_directory: Whether to use a directory on the host as the source of the input images. If set to true, the source_image_dir variable must also be set. If set to false, a URL to a tar.gz file of images must be provided by setting use_image_url and source_image_url.

  • Example: true

source_image_dir: Host directory containing example images to be used for the simulation. Only used if use_image_directory is set to true;

  • Example: example_images

  • use_image_url: Whether to use a URL to a tar.gz file of images as the source of the input images. If set to true, the source_image_url variable must also be set.

  • Example: true

  • source_image_url: URL to a tar.gz file of images to use as the input images.

  • Example:

  • use_gpu_in_scoring: Whether to use GPUs with the Image Scoring pluging. Note that the NVIDIA drivers must be installed, the NVIDIA container toolkit installed, and Docker must be configured to use it. See the main README for details on hardware requirements.

  • Example: true

  • host_output_dir: Host directory where output directories will be written. (relative to installation directory)

  • Example: output

  • images_output_dir: Host directory within the host_output_dir where the output images will be written. (Relative to host_output_dir)

  • Example: images_output_dir

  • image_store_save_threshold: The minimum confidence threshold for storing an image in full format.

  • Example: 0.7

  • image_store_reduce_save_threshold: The minimum confidence threshold for storing an image in reduces/compressed format.

  • Example: 0.4

  • oracle_plugin_output_dir: Host directory within the host_output_dir where the oracle_plugin's outputs will be written. (Relative to host_output_dir)

  • Example: oracle_output_dir

  • image_generating_log_level: Log level for image generating plugin.

  • Example: DEBUG, INFO

  • image_scoring_plugin_image: The image to use for the image scoring plugin, not including the tag

  • Example: tapis/image_scoring_plugin_py_3.8

  • image_scoring_log_level: Log level for image scoring plugin.

  • Example: DEBUG, INFO

  • image_scoring_monitor_power: Whether to monitor the power usage of the image scoring plugin. Default: true

  • Example: false

  • image_scoring_crop_images: Whether to crop images as part of the image scoring ML pipeline. (Default: false)

  • Example: true

  • image_scoring_generate_bounding_boxes: Whether to generate images with bounding boxes as part of the image scoring ML pipeline.

  • Example: false

  • use_custom_model_type: Use one of the pre-defined model types. When true, must also specify model_type. (Default: false).

  • Example: true

  • model_type: Specify the custom model type to use. Currently supported values are: 1, 2, 3. This is a work in progress, more details coming.

  • use_model_url: Use a URL to a compatible ML model .pt file. Will be downloaded at the start of the scoring plugin execution. If true, must also specify model_url.

  • Example: false

  • model_url (currently not supported): The URL to a model to download. Only used if use_model_url is true.

  • Example: N/A

  • run_power_monitor_privileged: Whether to run the power monitor plugin container in privileged mode. Note: this is required to read the Intel RAPL (Linux Powercap) interface and power monitor backends may not function without it. (Default: true)

  • Example: false

  • use_gpu_in_power_monitoring: Whether to use GPUs with the Power Monitroing pluging. At this time, there is no need to use GPUs in Power Monitoring, even if using them in Image Scoring, but this could change in a future release. Note that the NVIDIA drivers must be installed, the NVIDIA container toolkit installed, and Docker must be configured to use it. See the README for details on hardware requirements. (Default: false)

  • Example: true

  • power_monitor_log_level: Log level for power monitoring plugin.

  • Example: DEBUG, INFO

  • power_monitor_backend: The backend to use for measuring power.

  • Example: powerjoular, scaphandre

  • power_plugin_monitor_power: Whether to monitor the power of the power monitoring plugin itself. (Default: true)

  • Example: false

  • power_output_dir: Host directory within the host_output_dir where the output of the power plugin will be written. (Relative to host_output_dir)

  • Example: power_output_dir

  • power_monitor_mount_docker_socket: Whether to mount the docker socket into the power monitor plugin container. Required when using the powerjoular backend. (Default: true).

  • Example: false

  • oracle_plugin_image: The image to use for the oracle plugin, not including the tag. (Default: tapis/oracle_plugin)

  • Example: tapis/oracle_plugin